
尤淨纓 助理教授

  • 學歷

    • 日本京都大學經濟學博士修了
    • 元智大學管理學博士


    • 日本科學技術振興機構戰略創造研究推進事業CREST技術研究員(生命醫學/理工) 2014 ~ 2019
    • 日本京都大學經濟學院博士後特別研究員 2013 ~ 2014
    • 新加坡國立大學特別訪問研究員 2011 ~ 2012
    • 英國 JDJC Group 董事 2011
    • 元智大學管理學院英專班講師 (多元文化講座課程)2011 ~ 2013
    • 澳洲 FS Studio 行銷總監 2004 ~ 2011
    • 工業技術研究院 電腦與通訊研究所 ITS / Telematics 計畫主持人 2001 ~ 2004


    • 國際契約與談判
    • 跨文化管理
    • 數位經濟
    • 行為經濟
  • 期刊論文

    • Fred Phillips, Ching-Ying Yu, Tahir Hameed, Mahmoud Abdullah El Akhdary (2017). The knowledge society's origins and current trajectory. International Journal of Innovation Studies,1(3):175-191.
    • Sitoh M.K., Pan S.L.,Yu C.Y. (2014). Business Model and Tactical Choices in IT-enabled Product Creation: Interplay of Effectuation and Causation Processes. Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions, 61(3). (SCI)
    • Tseng, F. M. and Yu, C.Y.(2005). Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Logit Model for Taiwan’s Internet Telephony Market. OMEGA International Journal of Management Science 33(3):189-282. (SSCI)
  • 會議論文

    • Ching-Ying Yu; Wen-Ping Hsieh, “Factors affecting customers’ purchase intentions in live streaming shopping,” XXXI ISPIM Conference Special Call for Contributions on Crisis-
    • driven Innovation, 2020/06
    • Ching-Ying Yu; Fu-Chieh Chang, “Special Call for Contributions on Crisis- driven Innovation,” XXI ISPIM Conference Special Call for Contributions on Crisis- driven Innovation,2020/06
    • Ching-Ying Yu;Re-An Lo (2019, Jun). The Effects of Overconfidence and Mental Accounting on Strategic Readiness. XXX ISPIM innovation conference.
    • Re-An Lo;Ching-Ying Yu (2019, Jun). An exploration of corporate social responsibility and gamification paired with virtual reality stimulating empathy and enhancing employee engagement. 2019法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師圓寂十週年 國際研討會.
    • Tzyy-Jan Lai;Ching-Ying Yu (2019, Jun). Sense of Interdependence and the Altruistic behavior. 2019法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師圓寂十週年國際研討會
    • Ching-Ying Yu; Ling-Lang Tang; Chang, Ko-Wei (2017,Sep.) A study of applied product life cycle theory in high-end products via high-mix, low-volume production strategy – for the case of copper clad laminate industry. International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
    • Lai, Jun-ru; Ling-Lang Tang; Ching-Ying Yu (2017,Sep.) Discussion on the influence of agile manufacturing and large-scale customization on the competitive advantage of taiwan enterprises from the viewpoint of lean production.International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
    • Chechena Kuular; Ching-Ying Yu (2017,Sep.) Foreign R&D activities in Russian high-tech medical equipment industry. International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
    • Hsiao-Hsun Yuan; Ching-Ying Yu (2017,Sep.) The Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities from the Resource-Based View: Diesel Commercial Vehicles of IndependentChinese Brands Entering the Taiwanese Market. International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
    • Wenping Hsieh; Ching-Ying Yu; Wenyeh Huang (2017,Sep.) The influence of luxury car brand’s retail channel types on consumer’s purchase decisions.International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI).
    • Ching-Ying Yu; Takanori Ida (2016, Jun). Empathy Diffusion - NGO Sustainable Development. ISPIM, Portugal.
    • Yu, C.-Y. (2015, Jun). Boundary spanning governance – insights the video game developer perspective. ISPIM, Australia.
    • Yu-Ting Chang, Fang-Mei Tseng, Ya-Ti Lin, Ching-Ying Yu (2014, Oct). Corporate Business Model Innovation: The Case of Travel Agent. PICMET, Japan.
    • Tseng, F. M.,Wang, S.Y. and Yu, C.Y. “An Integrated Model for Analyzing the Development of the 4G Telecommunications Market in Taiwan”, PICMET 2011, USA
    • Tseng, F. M., Chiu, Y. J. and Yu, C.Y. (2003). Hierarchical Fuzzy Integral Multinomial Logit Model for Taiwan’s Broadband Service Market. 32th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. Ireland.
    • 曾芳美、尤淨纓 (2002) “網路電話選擇⾏行為分析”, 第三屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會, 輔仁大學.(NSC 89-2416-H-364-003)
    • Lee C.N. Wang H. S. and Yu, C.Y. (2003). The Developing of marketing and technology for Intelligent Transportation System(ITS)in Taiwan. CIEE magazine Taiwan.
    • Yu, C.Y., Tseng, F. M. and Tzeng, G.H. (2002). Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Logit Model. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Hawaii, USA.
    • Yu, C.Y. (2002). The Business Model of Multimedia Car Platform in Taiwan. World Metro Symposium & Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan.
    • Yu, C.Y. and Tzeng, G.H. (2002).Applied Partitioned Fuzzy Logit Model to Internet Telephony Choice Behaviour. 31th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. Greece.
    • Yu, C.Y. (2002). ITS Development in Japan. Digital Video Multimedia Magazine.
    • 李克聰、常書娟、尤淨纓 (1998) "⾶飛航安全內外在環境因素之研究分析," 中華民國第五屆運輸安全研討會.
    • 李克聰、尤淨纓、常書娟、劉建良 (1998)"施⼯工區域交通安全改善之研究," 87年道路交通安全與執法研討會.(233~241) ,中央警察⼤大學.